nxtU Testimonials
Dr. Cleveland has worked with my son for 18 months now and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Tyler's entire focus has changed for the better. His executive functioning and sports and mental performance have improved to the point where he's earning all As in college preparatory courses and he set the school record in the 100 meter breaststroke for his 6A Texas high school team – a record set in 2006. Despite the challenges the last year has thrown at us, Tyler is thriving. He's put in the hard work - and he has an excellent coach. He wouldn’t be where he is today without the dedication and work that Dr. Sean puts in.
- Tera D.
Dr. Sean Cleveland has been brilliant, working with our daughter since age 12. He is beyond dedicated to a process which ultimately provides positive results. His lessons often times transcend the performance arena (tennis court, baseball field etc). Coach Sean consistently demonstrates an approach well balanced in professional decorum with an occasional bit of casual sprinkled in at perfect times! We are delighted he is a member of our daughters’ team.
- Dr. Mel & Darina M.
We were overwhelmed by the college application process when it came time for our twin girls to apply. Finding Sean to help with this process was our saving grace. He is a bottomless font of knowledge about colleges, majors, and rankings - and takes the time to help his clients find the program that best suits their personalities and requirements. He managed the whole process, making sure my girls met all their deadlines, coaching them through every step. And it didn't stop there! He really connected with both my girls (who are extremely different) and won their trust while making them laugh. He is firm when he needs to be, pushing them to do their best work while eliminating potential parental frustration. When we reached the “getting ready to go to college” part of his process, Sean was even more helpful, teaching the girls all the tools they will need to succeed. From professor, course, and roommate management to staying safe while away from home, Sean's lessons resonate. He established a true bond with our girls - and made our job as parents even easier.
- Natasha D.